24. Jaka jest Grażyna?


trudny (m) - difficult
pytanie (n) - question
miły (m) - nice
wyrozumiały (m) - understanding
szczęśliwy (m) - happy
zdrowy (m) - healthy
wspaniały (m) - wonderful
cudowny (m) - amazing
szalony (m) - crazy
wysoki (m) - tall
szczupły (m) - slim
charakter - character
czasem / czasami - sometimes
kreatywny (m) - creative
gotować - to cook
robić zdjęcia  - to take picutres
mieć poczucie humoru - to have a sense of humour
żartować - to joke



„What is Grażyna like?”

What am I like? It’s a very difficult question…

I think I’m nice and understanding. I’m happy, for sure, because I’m healthy and I have a wonderful family, amazing best friend and a crazy dog! I am tall and slim.

I think I’m a good person.

Sometimes I’m creative, then I cook and take pictures like Tobiasz.

What else..? Hm…

I hope I have a good sense of humour, because I love to joke!

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